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May 25, 2010


Sam Poley

Try talking to the folks at Replacements Limited in Greensboro, NC. 1-800-737-5223. They have the 400,000 square feet of inventory. If anyone has something to match, it's these folks.

Sharon Burgos

If you are talking about the Sedona Brown or Sedona Blue dinnerware, they are perfectly compatible and can be used together. I think the Sedona Blue salad plate would complement the Sedona Brown dinner plate nicely (it even has a streak of brown in it). Here is a link to the Sedona Blue section on Mikasa.com: http://www.mikasa.com/dinnerware-pattern/sedona-blue,default,sc.html


Maybe, just maybe, Sheila Smith or Mikasa Customer Service should hire Sharon Burgos. At least for some consulting. In only 56 words Sharon was able to answer your question and suggest a solution to your problem (with a link!). And, probably close a sale too.

JoElla Horrocks

Oh Lesley - thanks for making me smile. What a great story. Or was it? Obviously Mikasa is doing so well that they aren't trying to make any sales. I think they need a lesson on customer service.

Leslie O'Flahavan

Thanks, everyone, for weighing in on the Mikasa story. Sharon B., thanks for suggesting I buy Sedona Brown and Blue together. That's what I have! But they don't make a small plate; the salad plate is really big.
On a larger topic, we have now drifted from our original suggestion that Mikasa write better customer service e-mail to wanting the company to develop more dishware choices!

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