Talk about connecting with customers (and the long reach of one little blog post)!
Last week I got a phone call from Sheila Smith, Consumer Services Manager for Lifetime Brands. She was following up on my post, "An E-Mail Question So Fraught, the Company Couldn't Bear To Answer It," in which I wondered about, and grumbled about, Mikasa's non-answer to my simple customer service e-mail question. I'd written to ask Mikasa to suggest a set of small plates that would match larger plates in the Sedona pattern. Mikasa (a division of Lifetime) sent the following answer: "We are hesitant to recommend patterns that compliment [sic]. Tastes vary so much that we do not like to make these type [sic] of recommendations."
Sheila apologized for the unhelpful response I received. She explained that "in their role as experts on our products, Mikasa agents in fact do make that type of recommendation via e-mail all the time." They are trained to and encouraged to make recommendations. Sheila wanted to be sure I understood that a non-answer was far from Mikasa's standard for performance and that the company was very sorry I had received poor service.
Then came the kicker. I asked Sheila about which small plates she'd recommend to match the large plates in the Sedona pattern. Her answer: "We just don't have any plates that match."
So, in one way, I am a happy customer now. Mikasa values my business and opinion so much that the Consumer Services Manager called me personally to follow up. But I am still plate-less. Writing Matters readers, can you help?
-- Leslie O'Flahavan
Try talking to the folks at Replacements Limited in Greensboro, NC. 1-800-737-5223. They have the 400,000 square feet of inventory. If anyone has something to match, it's these folks.
Posted by: Sam Poley | May 25, 2010 at 01:20 PM
If you are talking about the Sedona Brown or Sedona Blue dinnerware, they are perfectly compatible and can be used together. I think the Sedona Blue salad plate would complement the Sedona Brown dinner plate nicely (it even has a streak of brown in it). Here is a link to the Sedona Blue section on,default,sc.html
Posted by: Sharon Burgos | June 01, 2010 at 02:05 PM
Maybe, just maybe, Sheila Smith or Mikasa Customer Service should hire Sharon Burgos. At least for some consulting. In only 56 words Sharon was able to answer your question and suggest a solution to your problem (with a link!). And, probably close a sale too.
Posted by: Corbin | June 01, 2010 at 02:18 PM
Oh Lesley - thanks for making me smile. What a great story. Or was it? Obviously Mikasa is doing so well that they aren't trying to make any sales. I think they need a lesson on customer service.
Posted by: JoElla Horrocks | June 01, 2010 at 03:36 PM
Thanks, everyone, for weighing in on the Mikasa story. Sharon B., thanks for suggesting I buy Sedona Brown and Blue together. That's what I have! But they don't make a small plate; the salad plate is really big.
On a larger topic, we have now drifted from our original suggestion that Mikasa write better customer service e-mail to wanting the company to develop more dishware choices!
Posted by: Leslie O'Flahavan | June 03, 2010 at 06:54 AM