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March 16, 2010



I have been a BlueHost customer for about 5 or 6 years with the company hosting my website and blog. In the beginning the company was small. It did not offer as many venues to reach customer support; it had limited hours for phone technical support. However, even back then the customer service was great. The people were knowledgeable, and I was pleased. I have seen the company grow through the years, and I have been a proud supporter.

Marilynne Rudick

I am glad to hear from a long-time, satisfied BlueHost customer who confirms my positive first impressions. It is good to know that as the company grew, it was still able to maintain--even improve--its customer service. I'm hoping to become a long-time satisfied customer, too.

Account Deleted

Customer service has always been the best form of marketing. You make those human beings or customers happy and they do on to promote your business through the best form of advertising possible "word of mouth". Like what you did as a satisfied customer..:)thanks for the post.http://bit.ly/9GxmMS | http://bit.ly/dlR7UG

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